To raise valuable funds to support Staveley Village Association, we run a Hundreds Club with prizes of £25, £15, £10 and £10 per month and December prizes of £100, £25, £20 and £15. We would like invite you to support us by joining as a member.

Here’s how it works

  • Complete the membership form below and pay £12 (or multiples thereof) by BACS (recommended) or by cheque. Your form will be submitted to Cath Smethurst our head volunteer co-ordinator for the Hundreds Club.

  • If paying by cheques please make payable to Staveley Village Association. If paying by BACS please reference your Surname100s i.e Smith100s.

  • This buys you one membership number (that we will allocate), which enters you into the monthly draw. You may subscribe for up to 5 numbers i.e. £24 for two numbers, £36 for three numbers etc (Max £60 for 5 numbers). All participants must be over 16.

  • The draws will take place on the last Saturday of each month at the Village Hall (the first Saturday in December) Although the subscription year runs from January to December (£12 per year) it is possible to join the Hundreds Club any time or, if you wish, to subscribe for more than one number. 

  • Any queries, please email with ‘Hundreds Club’ in the Subject line.

Subscription and Renewal Form

Hundreds Club Rules

  1. The purpose of the Hundreds Club is to raise funds for Staveley Village Association for the maintenance of the Village Hall complex, the Pavilion, Ayland Recreation Ground and Children’s Playground.

  2. The Hundreds Club is a Small Society Lottery

  3. You must be aged 16 or over to join.

  4. For a cost of £1 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number.

  5. Although this subscription year runs from April to December it is possible to join the Hundreds Club any time

  6. Members may subscribe for more than one number with a limit of 5 per member.

  7. Payments should be made by BACS (preferably) or cheque

  8. Member’s numbers will only be entered in the draw if their subscription is up to date.

  9. A draw will be made every month with four prizes per month; £25, £15, £10 and £10. In December, prizes are £100, £25, £20 and £15.

  10. The draw shall be made in public at the Village Hall on the last Saturday of each month (first Saturday in December)

  11. The winning cheque will be delivered to the address on your membership application within one week of the draw.

  12. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into SVA funds after six months.

  13. Names, addresses will be stored for legitimate interest only on a secure server and will only be used to contact winners and issue subscription reminders.

  14. The Hundreds Club is an associate member of the SVA with delegated authority. It will be run by Cath Smethurst on behalf of the SVA. It will operate under the constitution of the SVA and, in case of any dispute, the decision of the SVA trustees is final.

Any queries please email: